investing in the experience

Alright, let's lay it out straight from the get-go: I'm not your go-to gal if you're hunting for bargain basement prices. Back in the day, my old boss was all about "The Triangle of Wants" – you know, that elusive trio where you could have one thing, maybe two, but almost never three. In the wild world of photography, it boils down to this: Cheap. Fast. Quality. Guess where I plant my flag?
You got it – quality. It's my North Star. Crafting top-tier artwork and high-voltage experiences? That's my jam.
Speed, well, that's a bit of a wild card depending on how packed my schedule is. Portrait work is typically turned around under three weeks and weddings under eight weeks. We deliver well under the industry average, I can tell ya that for sure! Yeah, this art might hit your wallet, but it's an investment – a ticket to years of battle-tested expertise. Booking me isn't just tapping a shutter jockey; it's bringing in a licensed, insured, and certified pro. You're not just getting a snap; you're snagging a piece of my passion, wrapped in creative vibes destined to grace your walls for eons.
So, if you're on the hunt for a Best Choice version of a shutterbug, I'm not your person. My clients don't pick me because our price tags are the lowest - they roll in for an experience – one that comes with a side of smiles and a dash of top-notch service. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe my team and I deliver immense value for what we charge, and I'm damn proud of that. With us, you get what you pay for.
If you're thinking "Dammit, Court - just give us a number!," I get you. Portrait sessions will start at $400, most folks usually spend between $850-1050 just depending on the genre and what you're looking for. Some spend less, some spend significantly more. We do offer payment plans for all sessions priced at $850 or more.
To learn more about my pricing, please contact me. There's starting prices on each genres respective pages. Nothing is end all be all. Make sure to sign up for my email list for seasonal offers and specials.